FASTLOB is a growth and yield model for thinned and fertilized loblolly pine plantations. Data from the Coop's Regionwide thinned and unthinned permanent plots were employed to develop baseline equations for dominant height, survival and basal area of stands with and without thinning treatments. Data from the North Carolina State University Forest Nutrition Cooperative's regionwide 13 fertilizer trials were used to develop appropriate fertilizer response models that are used to modify the unfertilized baseline equations.

     Inputs to the model are:
          -site index (or dominant height)
          -stand basal area and/or trees per acre
          -thinning and fertilization information

     Outputs include:
          -total stand basal area, number of trees and volume
          -total and merchantable volume by diameter class

FASTLOB was developed as a dynamic linked library (DLL) for the GYST growth and yield model spreadsheet shell. FASTLOB allows the user to simulate one or two thinnings (row, low or combination row-low) at any point during the rotation to a specified residual basal area or number of trees. As many as four midrotation fertilization treatments of nitrogen and/or phosphorus can be scheduled during the rotation. Input and output to FASTLOB through the GYST shell allows individual stands to be grown interactively and treatments applied during the simulation. Alternatively, multiple
stands (thousands) can be pre-specified and simulated simultaneously to facilitate batch processing.

Download a Demonstration Version
To download a demonstration version:

  • Click FASTLOB to start downloading.
  • With your web browser select "save this program to disk".
  • Run the file saved in step 2 by double clicking it. The setup utility starts.
  • Run the demo program in the destination directory of step 3.

A detailed users manual is available with the Demo version. The executable computer code compatible with Windows can
be obtained for $450.00 (includes the GYST user interface shell). To place an order or obtain additional information, contact

FASTLOB user manual
GYST user manual
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